Hands-on, interactive online mindfulness workshops for individuals and teams. These programs can be custom-tailored to meet the specific needs of your goals or outcomes.


Professional Mindfulness Workshops For Performance, Well-Being and Resilience

Mindfulness Workshops are conducted by Mindfulness teacher, Anneke Kirsten. Anneke is also an accredited counselling psychologist and which specializes primarily in counselling, coaching, and mindfulness practices.

In addition to being informational, the session will also be experiential and include some basic mindfulness practices and tips that participants can start using beyond the session.


Whenever we want to create true lasting change, the place to start is the mind. Being able to effectively handle stress, have clarity, focus, energy and emotional intelligence are some of the best investments we can make in our lives and our businesses. Every day in many workplaces, time, money and productivity are wasted due to overwhelmed, unfocused and tired teams.

Workshop Outcomes


Learn practical methods to direct your spotlight of attention, the gateway to personal and emotional growth.

Communicating with Insight

Empathy is a trainable skill to enhance communication – but only by pairing it with positive mindset can we avoid burnout in relationships.

Emotional Regulation

Practice in-the-moment tools to pause, reflect, and navigate challenges while staying balanced.

Alignment & Envisioning

Leadership requires setting a vision. Mindfulness Exercises practices like journaling activate the “predictive brain”, enhancing our ability to vision a new direction.


Emotional Resilience

Bounce back faster with a growth-oriented mindset and physiological stress management.

Leadership Presence

Our emotional and mental states are contagious. Learn to tune in to the signals you/rebroadcasting.

Mindfulness meditation for beginners Workshop

Simple practices for Stress Relief, Improved Health, Mental Clarity and Inner Peace.

Daily life can be stressful and exhausting, but it doesn’t have to be this way. This workshop teaches clear language and step-by step instructions to show you how to start meditating and practice mindfulness in the midst of your busy life.

Mindful self-compassion Workshop

How do you typically react to life’s difficulties or to your own mistakes and imperfections? If you are highly self-critical, what are the consequences of being so hard on yourself? The latest studies in psychology and neuroscience reveal that self-compassion is the ground of all emotional healing.

Self-compassion is the heart of mindfulness, and self-compassion skills help us be kind and caring toward ourselves rather than being critical and judgmental. It allows us feel connected to others when we suffer, rather than feeling isolated and alone.

This workshop addresses simple tools for giving yourself the support you need whenever you suffer, fail, or feel inadequate.

Achieve Your Goals Workshop

Effective goal setting will allow you to visualise your goal in your mind and also the required steps to making that happen. The desired goal or objective is often referred to as an ‘outcome’. By classifying our goals as outcomes, will help distinguish between where you are now and where you really want to be. By setting outcomes we typically achieve a change in mindset; one that is more focused on what we want to achieve


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