by Anneke Kirsten | Mar 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
MEDITATION | TOP MIND Tips on How to Meditate Effectively Anneke Kirsten | Counselling Pychologist | Cape Town March 24 2021 Meditation has helped me to not only develop other helpful daily habits, but it’s also helped me to become more willing to accept...
by Anneke Kirsten | Mar 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
MINDFULNESS | TOP MIND 5 Simple Ways To Practice Mindfulness Meditation At Work Anneke Kirsten | Counselling Pychologist | Cape Town March 23 2021 The average person spends a third of their life working, a third sleeping, and the remaining third of their time...
by Anneke Kirsten | Mar 23, 2021 | Mindfulness
MINDFULNESS | TOP MIND 5 Simple Ways to be Mindful in Your Everyday Life Anneke Kirsten | Counselling Pychologist | Cape Town March 23 2021 With all the worldly distractions constantly fighting for our attention every waking moment, practicing mindfulness can...
by Anneke Kirsten | Dec 7, 2020 | Mindfulness
MINDFULNESS | TOP MIND 5 Ways Mindfulness Reduces Stress Anneke Kirsten | Counselling Pychologist | Cape Town December 07 2020 Mindfulness is gaining a lot of “buzz” and popularity in the corporate environment, but what exactly is mindfulness? and...
by Anneke Kirsten | Oct 19, 2020 | Mindfulness
MINDFULNESS | TOP MIND Experiences at a 7-day Silent Mindfulness Retreat Anneke Kirsten | Counselling Pychologist | Cape Town October 19 2020 Ok, so a silent mindfulness retreat is not everyone’s idea of fun and typically invites great scepticism and apparent...
by Anneke Kirsten | Oct 19, 2020 | Mindfulness
MINDFULNESS | TOP MIND Moms Guide to Everyday Mindfulness Anneke Kirsten | Counselling Pychologist | Cape Town October 19 2020 Being a mom is a wonderful, divine, and treasured gift filled with an abundance of love and emotion, but it can, in turn, be rather...
by Anneke Kirsten | Oct 18, 2020 | Workplace Mental Health
WORKPLACE | TOP MIND Mental Health In The Workplace Anneke Kirsten | Counselling Pychologist | Cape Town October 19 2020 The mental health of a company’s employees plays a big role in the success of the company. It is therefore extremely important for a company...